Hipsters, Jägerbombs and Bingo. Yes, seriously.

Some people love it, others hate it. Like many of the provocative pop culture extravagances, this one has its devoted fans and fierce opponents. But what can possibly turn bingo into such a scandal? Here’s what I’m talking about – the new scream in town is called Rebel Bingo and it seems like it’s here to stay. This short article will tell you the details. My personal huge find, and who knows? You could be the next great fan. The events are open and tickets are on sale even as you read.
Image source http://www.rebelbingouk.com/
What is ‘Rebel Bingo’? – It all started as a joke, or rather let me say a drunk joke, in the basement of a London church, where a group of friends found an old bingo set and started messing around with it. The rest is history (and honestly, I think I don’t need the details judging from the result). I bet that some of you may be shaking their heads in disapproval thinking “drunk in a church, what a depravity!”. On the other hand, there is this group of people in their 20’s and early 30’s who swear that this is the only bingo they are willing to play. Well, let me paint the picture for you. Imagine a big hall full of people dressed to impress and drinking more Jägerbombs than I can count, a DJ playing hits from the 90’s and 2 burlesque ladies yelling dirty rhymes in the style of: “No. 7! A lucky number for stupid people!” or “Up the bum, no harm done, 31.” Got it? Oh and I forgot about the host, explainer of rules and creator of the game Fortune who is also on stage to work up the crowd. He says there are two rules in Rebel Bingo: “no old people” and “no boring people”. Maybe now you understand why many people in the industry and fans of the old-school game were outraged at the least. A person commented in Facebook that “Rebel Bingo is an embarrassment to the bingo community” and nothing more than a “drunken sex party”. And still the show has been able to turn from an underground party somewhere in the outskirts of London, to an official event at a Mecca Bingo club, which is completely sold out. The show has even been invited to international stages in Madrid, New York, Las Vegas and many more.
For: It is targeted for a younger audience, also likely to bring the people back to the land-based clubs and all who’ve attended an event say it’s one of the most fun and craziest parties they’ve been to. Wanna give it a try?
Against: The word that best describes Rebel Bingo is ‘offensive’ and this is the only objective way to put it. Some people would like to add ageist, sarcastic and provoking bad behaviour. Freedom of thinking with all its consequences, that’s how I see it.