Make Summer Unforgettable with an Exotic Holiday from Gala!

If you’re still in any kind of denial that summer is here, it’s time to sober up. I mean, it was even on the news, what with the strawberry moon and all. And while everyone is raving about the June solstice and the full moon, I say there’s no better way to kick off summer than with the special offer from Gala, giving you daily chances to win a holiday to different exotic destinations at the Coconut Island Room. Read on to find out more about the destinations, dates, and how to win.
The promotion was launched this Monday, June 20th and will continue until Sunday, July 17th. During this period, every day in the Coconut Island Room there will be special holiday hour games from 21:00 and one Holiday Bingo game at 22:01. To enter, visit Gala’s website either on your desktop and laptop, or tablet and smartphone, select the Bingo tab and click on ‘40 & 50 Ball’ or ‘Specials’. To get the holiday, you will need to win a full-house. The destination is different every evening and is announced in the room on the night. Some of the places you could be packing your bags to are Dubai, the Dominican Republic, and Mexico. Gala’s partners for this exclusive offer – Ice Lolly, one of the UK’s most popular holiday price comparison websites – have also prepared trips to some top European destinations like Venice, Rome, and Barcelona. So, pop by every evening and see where your luck takes you. Tickets cost £1 and if you stake £5 or more in cash on Coconut Island Bingo in any qualifying week, you could easily win a guaranteed share of £5,000 in Coconut Island Bingo bonus funds.
If you’ve never played at the Coconut Island room before, you’ll love the exotic feel that it brings, as the bingo balls are revealed by coconuts falling on the ground from the palm trees at the backdrop of waves gently breaking onto the shore. The pattern of the room is 50-ball for 1 Line and Full House only. It’s open every day from 10 am to 12 am and offers a fixed £1,000 jackpot which is up for grabs if you claim the house in 16 calls or less. In addition to the selection of bingo games you can play at the award-winning room, every Thursday you can also receive a free Coconut Island Scratchcard bonus if you spend £10 or more in cash on the Coconut Island slot. So, even if you luck out on the holiday, you still have your tropical getaway to enjoy all summer. But, until July 17th, eyes on the prize and sunscreen and suitcases at the ready!